Happy Birthday Coca- Cola. You’re 125 years old and according to companies like Interbrand, and other brand valuation entities, you remain in the top 10 of all brands, having built brand equity to over $70 B (yep, that’s Billion) You’ve dwarfed your closest competitor, Pepsi, by 500%. You have again highlighted the importance of marketing, advertising, and customer experience as a crucial component for any business. Well done.
Despite huge success, the Coca-Cola saga has not always been “up and to the right,” though. The company’s daring spawned a failure so gigantic that the saga of “New Coke” is required reading in most business schools today. Other than their delicious products (which I consume daily) I think Coke has added value to my life by fostering my understanding that colossal failures are often a part of colossal success.
At Force 5 we spend a lot of time on brand developent, brand strategy and helping customers build their brand. We’ve been learning a lot about what brand building requires and would love to share what we’ve been learning with you. Just give us call.