Writings from Force 5 Basecamp



Featured image for “Embracing Sustainable Marketing: A Vital Shift for Today’s Businesses”

Embracing Sustainable Marketing: A Vital Shift for Today’s Businesses

Discover the importance of sustainable marketing with Force 5. Learn how embracing eco-friendly practices can drive business success and contribute to a healthier planet. Explore insights and strategies for integrating sustainability into your marketing efforts today.
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Featured image for “Unpacking the Treasure that is Brand Equity”

Unpacking the Treasure that is Brand Equity

When we talk about brand equity, we’re delving into the heart of what makes a brand truly special. It’s more than just a recognizable name or a sleek logo; it’s the wealth of value that a brand possesses, born from customers’ perceptions, experiences, and the relationships they have with the brand. What is Brand Equity, Really? Brand equity is a
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Featured image for “Marketing in 2023: 5 Trends that Will Define the Year”

Marketing in 2023: 5 Trends that Will Define the Year

As we’ve reached the second half of the year, the major social media platforms have all experienced significant drops. The reasons why are multi-faceted: Granular ad targeting has become more challenging with tightened security and privacy concerns. One of the most significant developments here has been Apple’s iOS advertising identifiers now requiring an opt-in. This means that users must explicitly
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Featured image for “On the “Fence” about Geofencing? Learn How to Make It Work — Marketing Minute”

On the “Fence” about Geofencing? Learn How to Make It Work — Marketing Minute

Have you ever visited a location, then received an advertisement from the place you just came from? Kind of creepy, right? But what if this targeting helps you avoid irrelevant ads that waste your time? And what if businesses, avoid wasting money reaching the wrong people? But how do marketers actually do this? This is called geofencing, and today, I’ll
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Featured image for “Which CMS Is Right for My Business?”

Which CMS Is Right for My Business?

When it comes to building a website, one of the first decisions to make is what platform to build it on. You could have a developer hardcode your entire website for you. But that is a short-sighted business decision. As soon as that developer moves on or the contract ends, you’re going to find updating your website to be a
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Featured image for “Your Step-by-Step Guide to Moving to Google Analytics 4 with Force 5”

Your Step-by-Step Guide to Moving to Google Analytics 4 with Force 5

Did you know that Google’s Universal Analytics (the platform most websites—likely yours, too–have been using to track traffic for more than a decade) will stop collecting data in July 2023? This means that if you have not transitioned to the new Google Analytics 4 platform, you will no longer be able to see how many people visit your website, fill
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Featured image for “3 Hidden Brand Mistakes – Marketing Minute”

3 Hidden Brand Mistakes – Marketing Minute

Ever feel the pinch in one of these areas:  You are putting out regular content but the general look and feel seem inconsistent.  Most of your employees “get it” when it comes to delivering a consistent experience for your customers, but a few still struggle to keep up with company standards and sort of “do their own thing.”  You meet
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Featured image for “Drip Campaigns 101 – Marketing Minute”

Drip Campaigns 101 – Marketing Minute

Have you ever gotten an email like this? Or, perhaps a better question, have you been doing this to your customers? It’s okay, we’ve all been there, and in today’s Marketing Minute, I’ll share with you how drip campaigns can help you avoid email overload. What is a Drip Campaign? If we dump all the information a customer could possibly
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Featured image for “Discovering Your “WHY” to Build Circularity”

Discovering Your “WHY” to Build Circularity

As I shared in our last video, Circularity is creating something with the end in mind. Waste not. Want not. Today, let’s dig a little deeper by discovering WHY you—yes, singular you—might make the effort to become more circular. Because … Circularity Is Not an Easy Thing It takes changing your habits, like Deciding you will pack your sandwich in
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Featured image for “What Is Sustainable Marketing?”

What Is Sustainable Marketing?

It’s no fad. Sustainable marketing is here to stay, and big businesses are starting to take notice. With recent studies showing that 79% of consumers change their purchase preferences based on a company’s “social responsibility, inclusiveness, and environmental impact,” the opportunity is vast. But what is sustainable marketing? Let’s start by taking a look at what we mean by sustainability.
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Featured image for “Media Buying Done Right – Marketing Minute”

Media Buying Done Right – Marketing Minute

There is so much more to media buying than writing a check and hoping someone views or listens to your message. With many different types of media, it can be hard to decide which are right for your brand, leaving you wondering, “how can I be more effective with my media buying?” Well, I’ll tell you how–and more!–in this Marketing
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Featured image for “More Than Recycling … How to Build a Circular Economy”

More Than Recycling … How to Build a Circular Economy

I attended Circularity 2022 last week just outside of Atlanta, it was an incredible experience. First a definition of Circularity – Circularity is a simple concept. It means that a product is created with its own end-of-life taken into account. In a circular economy, once the user is finished with the product, it goes back into the supply chain instead of
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