Writings from Force 5 Basecamp



Featured image for “Food Truck Fridays and Blood Drive”

Food Truck Fridays and Blood Drive

Listen up…Do we have a day for you. Friday October 2nd, Force 5 is hosting two events. If you’re hungry, come on over for one of our “Food Truck Fridays.” We’ll have several local food trucks, including Mexican, Italian, Venezuelan and good ol’ American! Not hungry or don’t have time but wanna support your community? Donate blood. South Bend Medical
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Featured image for “Selecting A Strategic Partner Is Like “The Mash””

Selecting A Strategic Partner Is Like “The Mash”

By Bob Earley I often drive around our cities and neighborhoods as I go from client meetings, shopping, eating, and just getting away from some of the daily chaos.  Like many of you, work can be very trying and intense. Hopefully, you have a way to have a release from the stresses of work. At our place, we get to
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Featured image for “Are You Listening To Me?”

Are You Listening To Me?

“We must love them both, those whose opinions we share and those whose opinions we reject. For both have labored in the search for the truth and both have helped in the finding of it.” Thomas Aquinas I noticed over the last several years, people have become increasingly “amped up”. I’m not sure if it’s because of the political climate,
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Featured image for “Geotargeting PPC Campaigns & Getting Personal”

Geotargeting PPC Campaigns & Getting Personal

For nearly 20 years, an Indiana Trailer Manufacturer (because of an NDA, the company name has been changed to Indiana Trailer Manufacturer, abbreviated as ITM) has been producing premium aluminum trailers as the alternative to steel trailers in the Trailer/RV marketplace. Factors like exceptional design and construction with guidance from industry-leading engineers have catapulted ITM to high levels of growth and
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Featured image for “A Great Leader….and a Great Soul.”

A Great Leader….and a Great Soul.

By Bob Earley Joe Kernan, former mayor of South Bend Indiana and former governor of Indiana, passed away earlier this week at the age of 74 after battling a long illness. The city, the state, the country, has a void in it. What some people don’t know is how proud we are of Joe for his heroism during his Vietnam
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Featured image for “The Era of COVID: 3 Marketing Tips to Exercise Now”

The Era of COVID: 3 Marketing Tips to Exercise Now

We live in challenging times. COVID-19 has dramatically changed traditional human behavior in a short amount of time, leaving nearly all of us in a trance asking ourselves “where do we go from here?” From a business standpoint, “how is the way I conduct business going to change?” Furthermore, from a marketing standpoint, “how do the side effects of COVID
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Featured image for “The Power of…Radio?”

The Power of…Radio?

By Bob Earley For years, I’ve heard that “traditional” media is dying.  Newspapers are gone; tv is being replaced with streaming services. And radio, well… it’s dead, being replaced with services like pandora. So, the power of radio, is it dead? Think again. According to Nielsen’s May 2020 ratings, listenership has steadily grown over the last 5 years. And, the
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Featured image for “Executing Strategy-The Challenge is to Execute”

Executing Strategy-The Challenge is to Execute

By Bob Earley I realize that there’s a redundancy in this blog’s title. However, so many people talk about vision, strategies, goals and objectives and yet so many fail one of the final steps: execute. How many times have you sat in planning meetings (and meetings to talk about scheduling the planning meetings), taking copious notes and leave the meeting
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Featured image for “Live Streaming – Just A Phase or Here To Stay?”

Live Streaming – Just A Phase or Here To Stay?

Written by Jim Ragosta Live Streaming has been popular during the COVID-19 outbreak, and I refer to “live streaming” in a broad way within this article because there are so many ways to do so. Live Streaming allows people to engage in real time, whether that’s watching your favorite artist perform, obtaining information from a press briefing, or watching your
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Featured image for “The Importance of Physical AND Mental Exercise”

The Importance of Physical AND Mental Exercise

Working from home can be refreshing while providing a new perspective of your life. It can also be a time of mental fatigue and anxiety that are sometimes accompanied with loneliness while being sheltered. And, there are underlying conditions among many hospitalized adults during the COVID pandemic who have pre-existing mental and physical compromises. Therefore, one must be disciplined in keeping perspective
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Featured image for “Force4Community”


This year has certainly been an interesting one so far; a world of dichotomies. In a matter of a few months, we went from having the lowest recorded unemployment rate to having over 22 million people filing for unemployment. We are all experiencing the devastating effect of the COVID outbreak. Like many, we want to continue helping our community, and
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Featured image for “Have We Lost Connection With Our Target Audiences? Think Again.”

Have We Lost Connection With Our Target Audiences? Think Again.

During these challenging times, many of us are experiencing furloughs, unemployment, the juggling of our work schedules along with the schedules of students and their e-learning. On top of those challenges is wondering how do we stay in contact with our target audiences. Some experts have said people are “hunkered down” and aren’t doing anything, causing some businesses to wonder
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