03/24/20Force 5 Launches Force4Good Web and Facebook During Coronavirus Pandemic.(South Bend, IN. Tuesday, March 24, 2020) Force5 has launched a new website and facebook page called Force 4 Good. The Force 4 Good web and facebook platform shares good works being done in the local community and around the country during the trying times of the Pandemic crisis. Aside from stories highlighting the good works that come out ofRead More
03/16/20The Loss of March Madness and Much More Being in the world of marketing communications we are abundantly aware of the huge budgets that are involved in an event like March Madness. With COVID-19 impacting everything from sports to travel to conferences and so much more – there is so much loss financially. Looking at the hard numbers of those huge losses, specifically in regards toRead More
03/16/20The Most Important Resolution to Make This YearYou probably made some resolutions this year. Some stick, some don’t. In fact, of the people who set resolutions, less than half will be successful in six months. But if you’re still going strong, way to go! Make one resolution this year Here at Force 5, we want to ask you – whatever kind of work you may do – toRead More
03/12/20“Hey Google, Why Should Google Ads Be A Part Of My Marketing Plan?”40,000 search queries occur every second on average, which translates to 3.5 billion searches per day. Incredible right? And this is just from Google alone. Think about how often you search using Google each day? These searches could be as simple as: “What kind of oil does my 2012 Camaro take,” where multiple results appear, illustrating: Where you can purchaseRead More
02/25/20What McDonald’s “Stacked Icon” billboards can teach us about logosMcDonald’s recently launched an outdoor marketing campaign which they call “Iconic Stacks”. Each design is a minimalist, typographic representation of one of their classic sandwiches. At face value, it’s a clever and fun way to ask people to pause for a moment and think about their sandwiches. But it’s just type. There are no photos with perfectly poised drips ofRead More
01/29/20Is TikTok Right For Your Business?TikTok is the latest social craze, as businesses and people alike are trying to understand the purpose of the media, as well as how to utilize it. Social Media still holds as a highly valuable medium to meet business objectives, however that doesn’t mean every business should be on every platform, popular or not. So, let’s try to answer theRead More
12/17/19How to gain more website traffic through voice search“Hey Siri: How can I help people find my website?” When they first arrived on the scene, smart/voice enabled devices were a fun and novel way to search for things. But many questioned whether they would amount to more than a quick way to know how many tablespoons are in a gallon (256 if you’re wondering). We’re here to sayRead More
11/19/19Be the BrandRecently my partner, David, and I were fortunate to have the opportunity to go to New Orleans to help launch the brand we developed recently for one of our clients, Centennial Mortgage. As a Certified Brand Strategists through the Brand Establishment, we subscribe to a specific methodology of developing brand for an organization. This is a proven and efficient process,Read More
11/11/19Google SERP: Get With ItCan you think back to when searching the internet was simpler? No mumbo jumbo, ads, and information you don’t care about displaying everywhere? Yeah, I remember too. Take a look at the Google Search Engine Results Page (SERP) just a decade ago. Now, take a gander at what the SERP looks like today by just typing in “Dwayne Wade” HolyRead More
11/05/19Five Things To Consider When Making Your 2020 Marketing PlansWhatever type of business or organization you’re in, you’ve probably been working on your big plans for 2020. Maybe you’re aiming high at some bold and exciting sales goals or perhaps have decided you want to work on increasing your brand awareness. At Force 5, we’d love to help you reach whatever marketing goals you have set for the future.Read More
10/10/19OTT? OMG!By Bob Earley So, now that you have a fair understanding between traditional and digital advertising solutions, now comes programmatic or OTT advertising. What is OTT you ask? Is it the newest and greatest thing since “sliced bread” for advertisers?” OTT simply means Over The Top. What does that mean? With more and more people choosing to cut the cableRead More