Writings from Force 5 Basecamp



Featured image for “Marty’s Web Presence Presidential Political Poll (MWPPPP)”

Marty’s Web Presence Presidential Political Poll (MWPPPP)

Latest Polling Numbers: REPUBLICAN PRIMARY Overall Average Candidate 404 Page 160-Character Stump Speech Favicon 18.7% Cruz 19.0% 17.4% 19.8% 18.3% Bush 22.2% 12.8% 19.8% 16.1% Rubio 17.5% 18.6% 12.3% 16.0% Kasich 14.3% 14.0% 19.8% 12.8% Trump 9.5% 14.0% 14.8% 12.0% Carson 9.5% 12.8% 13.6% 6.1% Gilmore 7.9% 10.5% 0.0% DEMOCRAT PRIMARY Overall Average Candidate 404 Page 160-Character Stump Speech Favicon
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Featured image for “Presidential 404 Pages”

Presidential 404 Pages

According to Google, a 404 page is what a user sees when they try to reach a non-existent page on your site (because they’ve clicked on a broken link, the page has been deleted, or they’ve mistyped a URL). A 404 page is called that because in response to a request for a missing page, webservers send back a HTTP status
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Featured image for “Hot Dogging and Blogging”

Hot Dogging and Blogging

Today I had to run out to Elkhart to run an errand.  That gave me the opportunity to meet up for lunch with my friend Chris who works out there, and try a new restaurant that opened last fall.  I had read about Hotdogeddy’s on the Flavor 574 website, and although I am not generally a huge fan of hot
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Featured image for “Customer-Centric Website Design for Drunks, Mothers, and Everyone Else”

Customer-Centric Website Design for Drunks, Mothers, and Everyone Else

An effective customer-centric website design requires the designer to put himself in the customer’s place to build a site that is user-friendly, while providing all the information that the visitor needs.  If you find it hard to put yourself in your customer’s shoes, there are services out there that will critique the usability of your website for you.  Some, like
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Featured image for “Lazy and Forgetful is the New Normal”

Lazy and Forgetful is the New Normal

A recent poll by the Domain Name Association shows that when people are looking to go to a specific company’s website, 43% of them will type the company’s name or relevant term into a search engine while only 31% of people will type the domain name (www.domainname.com) into the browser address bar. In fact, looking at search analytics data for
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Featured image for “Signs You Need a New Website: It Doesn’t Work on Mobile Devices / Small Screens”

Signs You Need a New Website: It Doesn’t Work on Mobile Devices / Small Screens

One sign that you might need a new website is that it doesn’t look good on mobile devices.  According to a recent study, mobile device usage is significantly higher than desktop usage, with people viewing 51% of the content on mobile versus only 42% on desktop/laptop.   (Five years ago, it was 12.5% mobile vs. 75% desktop/laptop).  Mobile Friendly Not Mobile
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Featured image for “Force 5’s Most Visited Blog Posts in 2015”

Force 5’s Most Visited Blog Posts in 2015

1) Do I Need a New Website? The team at Force 5 shares their thoughts on signs that your business might need a new website. 2) Happy Halloween A Halloween post with downloadable pumpkin stencils of the Force 5 team. 3) Is Your Website Mobile-friendly? A blog about the importance of having a mobile-friendly website. 4) SQL Case Study –
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Featured image for “Does Your Website Have What People Want?”

Does Your Website Have What People Want?

According to a recent study by HubShout, 94% of people use a mobile phone to search for local businesses. So what information are they looking for when they get to your website? 88% are looking for your business hours (46% are annoyed when they can’t find business hours on a website) 85% are looking for your phone number (42% need
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Featured image for “Clay-Ali as a metaphor for strategic change”

Clay-Ali as a metaphor for strategic change

In a recent Facebook post, colleague Marty Heirty took us back in time to remember or learn about the famous confrontation between Muhammad (formerly known at Cassius Clay) Ali and George (before the grill) Foreman. When a young, strong, well-trained, highly-conditioned Cassius Clay took “the ring,” his strategy was encapsulated in his signature phrase, “float like a butterfly; sting like a bee.”
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Featured image for “Happy Halloween”

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween from the team at Force 5! Here are a few fun facts about Halloween… In the United States, the first citywide celebration of Halloween was in Anoka, Minnesota in 1921. Jack o’ Lanterns originated in Ireland where people placed candles in hollowed-out turnips to keep away spirits and ghosts on the Samhain holiday. According to Irish legend, Jack
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Featured image for “Do I Need a New Website?”

Do I Need a New Website?

Do you need a new website?  I surveyed the team here at Force 5, asking them each for 2 or 3 signs that someone might need to update their web presence. Some of their responses are based on functionality, some on user experience, and some on overall look-and-feel, but here are their answers: Christian Mattix Web Application Developer & Network
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Featured image for “Mail Pouch Tobacco Barns & Harley Warrick”

Mail Pouch Tobacco Barns & Harley Warrick

When I read about the 50th anniversary of President Lyndon B. Johnson signing the Highway Beautification Act, which was intended to limit billboards and other forms of outdoor advertising along federal highways, it reminded me of the iconic Mail Pouch Tobacco barns. According to Mail Pouch barn enthusiast Eddie Robberts, farmers were willing to let Mail Pouch Tobacco paint their
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