
Blog for Tuesday, November 11 – Veteran’s Day – 2014

The 100th anniversary of the ending of WWI is widely celebrated and recognized today. Marketing for various charity organizations’ coffers, the United Kingdom had a giant 900,000-strong ceramic poppy sale and display, for the climactic day of remembrance. NPR (and a few Brit Facebook friends) informed me about this amazing effort to both encourage charitable giving AND to recognize the ultimate sacrifice so many made and provide closure and legacy-building in families who lost their loved ones. Here’s the link to the story done about the effort from an August NPR broadcast.

Anterior cingulate cortex – ACC. This ACC (as opposed to the acronym known to South Bend and Notre Dame as the Athletic and Convocation Center) is associated with cognition and emotional control.

Roger Dooley explains more fully at:

Since Force 5 uses Left Brains and Right Brains to develop brands, I am always interested in learning about new brain research and “neuromarketing.”

Referencing Roger’s article, the hypothesis is that those who engage in active multi-tasking through digital vehicles, tools and gadgets, might actually be causing their ACC to shrink.

My contention is that correlation does not equal causation. Brain-changing behavior? OR brain-created behavior adoption? Chicken or egg stuff. Do we multi-task because our ACC’s are less developed and smaller OR are our ACC’s smaller than they once were because we’re multi-tasking?

You be the judge. Here’s a window into one multi-tasker’s brain – think Billy Joel’s “We Didn’t Start The Fire”


Clash of Clans-Candy Crush






Sunday night



NFL or College

Football on the tele


Clean the house-commercial breaks

Record and watch really late

Listening to NPR

Streaming ESPN


Radio or mp3

run while listening

drive hands-free

clean, putter, yard work

take your gadgets with you



Active-Answer Will Shorts

What do you recall without

Googling to find it out?


Our brains are not expiring

We’re just rolling forward with no synapse firing

Our ACC’s not shrinking

We just can’t adopt Tom Magliozzi’s thinking.

Our brains are not expiring

Work rememb’ring facts and figures is requiring

Our ACC’s not shrinking

Are the luddites saying that our tech is stinking?


Quick, what year’d Columbus

sail the ocean blue?

Name the last word in

Pledge of Allegiance?


Characters in Peanuts?

Birthdates of your mom & dad

Siblings, hubby, wife and kids

Boy your memory’s really bad.


Memorial or Labor Day

Name the dateName the year

Year of 9/11?

Date of birth U-S-A?


Our brains are not expiring

We’re just rolling forward with no synapse firing

Our ACC’s not shrinking

We just can’t adopt Tom Magliozzi’s thinking.

Our brains are not expiring

Work rememb’ring facts and figures is requiring

Our ACC’s not shrinking

Are the luddites saying that our tech is stinking?

Stink on and on and on and on…

For the last two years, Car Talk has gone the way of I Love Lucy. But I didn’t realize it until Tom Magliozzi died last week.

Knowing Ray (one half of Click and Clack) is still there somewhere, but not live, and that Tom is no longer of this world (also not live) makes me nostalgic. Tom Magliozzi reportedly launched a campaign in the seventies to establish a national speed limit of 35 MPH – to intentionally slow us all down.

Just think – nostalgia in thirty years, when I’m 88, will be, “remember when Facebook did those movies?”

And we’ll know more about the brain than we really WANT or need to know.

What will neuromarketing look like then?

