Community Based Networks Rebrand and New Logo

Founded in 2018 by Paul and Nick Watkins, Community Based Networks helps not for profit companies streamline their operations, improve reporting, and more easily apply for grant money through automation. They realized that to grow their company they would need to expand their offerings and market. This expanded service would require a rebrand to better tell their story and reach a new audience. Realizing they could use some help with this, Paul and Nick reached out to Force 5 for some help.

At Force 5, we understand the importance of a company’s brand and have a proven process to identify the key elements of your brand and use those elements to create effective messaging, visuals and more.

When first meeting with Paul and Nick, they mentioned that they never had to do much marketing, and most of their business was done through referrals. Their company name came from how they would like to connect non-profit organizations with other companies in the community who could help each other, and the logo represented the efforts coming together to do good. The only marketing presence they had was a small website that was a tad out of date.

Brand Development

True to our Brand Building process, we started off with an extensive brand discovery meeting led by our Certified Brand Strategist. In this meeting we worked with Paul and Nick to identify the core values of their company, who they are, their services, their processes, where they are, where they want to go, their ideal clients and more.

We then took the information from the brand discovery meeting and performed research, digging in to identify and define trends, boiling them down into impactful statements. We also conducted interviews with current, past, and potential clients and partners to get their outside view of the organization.

The result was a brand guide that identified the who, what, and why of their organization; this would serve as a light to guide their communication and operational efforts for consistent results and grow with them as a company.

At the heart of their brand guide were three important statements to guide internal and external perception and actions.

Brand Essence: an internal message that encapsulates who the company is, what they do, and what they stand for. It is a guide for current and future team members to help them align with the company’s goals.

Community Based Network’s Brand Essence:

Brand Franchise: is a statement that communicates the one thing that the brand intends to own in the target client’s mind.

Community Based Network’s Brand Franchise:

Equals: is the short, one line that encompasses what the company does.

Community Based Network’s Equals:

New Name and Logo

Using what we learned in the brand discovery process, we went to work finding potential new names for Community Based Networks that fit their brand and project their promise. After doing research into the names’ availability, we presented the client with several options. They ended up selecting our favorite option, Databridge Solutions. This new name illustrates the organization’s offerings, bringing data together from different sources to enhance a client’s operations and reporting.

Following our graphic design logo creation process, we provided the client with options for their new logo, each with elements that are easily identifiable, and help to illustrate the company’s offerings.

With their brand defined, and a new name and logo that better represents their organization we are confident Paul and Nick have the tools necessary to carry them into their company’s next phase.

Many companies and organizations struggle with their brand and identity. A good brand is a powerful marketing tool that resonates throughout your organization and its customers. Force 5 is an expert on branding and have helped many companies excel through our efforts.

Let us know if you think your company or organization could use some branding help. You can contact us at 574.234.2060, or fill out our contact form here, to start a conversation today.